Our Commitment to Anti-Racism in Business

Julie Chenell and Cathy Olson, Funnel Gorgeous

In light of the recent events of May and June 2020 - the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, and the resulting uprisings across the country - we’ve learned a lot about what it means to build a truly anti-racist business.

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) have an immense amount of knowledge and expertise. We will be a better business community if we actively work to dismantle the systems that silence BIPOC voices, perspectives, and lived experiences.

We believe all members of the online entrepreneur community, and all members of our country for that matter, should be valued, respected, and protected equally.

White supremacy is a real and powerful force in the U.S. During this time we’ve learned how white power and privilege will reproduce itself in our businesses and lives unless we’re engaged in ongoing anti-racism work.

Given this, here are some steps we are taking in our business and online communities to create more equitable and encouraging environments for BIPOC folks:

• We are committed to investing a portion of my monthly budget to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color owned businesses. This includes but is not limited to software companies, contractors, employees, and educators.

​​• We are committed to amplifying Black, Indigenous, and People of Color voices in our social media content, guest expert opportunities, and events.

• We are committed to cultivating safe online spaces for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. This means allowing conflict and disagreement when it arises, but not tolerating any racist language or behavior within the communities we lead and are a part of.

We are open to feedback and conversation about additional ideas and approaches. We are sure as we learn more, our approaches to anti-racism will evolve and change. Thank you for your grace and contributions in this process.


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Funnel Gorgeous, LLC.

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